Saturday, December 3, 2011

Call the waaaaahmbulance.

Damn, seems the last time I posted I was really emo too.

It seems like I let others affect how I see my abilities too much. They become the trees for which I can't see the forest. If I get excited about something I do, it seems like it only takes one person to think otherwise to wreck that momentum. My self-esteem plummets in the process, and my creative drive halts.

Why do I let one person's ambivalence bother me so? I accept people have different tastes, but could I be doing things so that people will see them and give me some sort of compliment? If so, that's completely the wrong motivation. I used to post my art as a beginner without apology. I never expected any comments, and if I got one it completely made my whole WEEK. Fast forward a decade or so. What happened? Did I just forget that there are people who don't like certain concepts, styles, or colors, and it usually has nothing to do with your ability level? Did I make the mistake of thinking my work was universal and worthy of some praise? Is it because I'm trying something new and I'm showing it to people who've been doing that style/medium for years and they're jaded unless it's super special?

I need to stop letting lack of praise stop me. Praise is not my artistic fuel; it shouldn't be anyone's.

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